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When you are just setting up a new home, ensuring your plumbing system is in top-notch condition is a big priority. From avoiding unexpected repair costs to enhancing safety and reducing energy bills, a thorough plumbing inspection in Toronto is essential. Therefore, being familiar with a comprehensive plumbing checklist every homeowner needs will go a long way toward a healthy plumbing system in your home.

The Advantages of Going Through with a Plumbing Inspection

Following a comprehensive plumbing checklist, every homeowner needs offers numerous benefits for homeowners:

  • Avoiding Repair Costs. It helps in avoiding repair costs by identifying potential issues early on. By catching leaks, clogs, or damaged components before they worsen, you can save money on plumbing repair costs down the line. 
  • Lowering the Chance of Emergency Repairs. Regular inspections lower the chance of emergency repairs by addressing issues proactively. This means you’re less likely to experience sudden breakdowns that disrupt your daily life.
  • Enhancing Safety. Inspect your plumbing system to enhance safety in your home. Detecting safety hazards like gas leaks or faulty connections ensures the well-being of you and your family! 
  • Reducing Energy and Water Bills. A thorough inspection can contribute to reducing bills. By fixing leaks and optimizing water flow, you can decrease water consumption and save on monthly costs. The average plumbing leak can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted annually!

The Big Priorities on Your Home Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Kitchen Plumbing Care

When tackling kitchen plumbing inspections, each component plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations:

  • Sink Faucet: Inspecting the sink faucet involves checking for leaks, drips, or any signs of wear and tear. Ensuring proper water flow and addressing any issues with the faucet handles or spout is important.
  • Sink Drain: Checking the sink drain involves examining for clogs or blockages that may impede water drainage. Clearing out any debris or buildup can prevent slow drainage or complete blockages.
  • Water Valves: Inspecting valves involves ensuring they operate smoothly and effectively shut off water flow when needed. Any signs of leaks or corrosion should be addressed promptly.
  • Garbage Disposal: Checking the garbage disposal involves testing its functionality and ensuring it can effectively grind food waste. Clearing out any obstructions and checking for leaks or unusual noises is the way to go.
  • Dishwasher Connections: Inspecting dishwasher connections involves checking for leaks or loose fittings. Ensuring proper drainage and water supply connections is what you need to do for the dishwasher’s efficient operation.
  • Refrigerator Connections: Checking refrigerator connections means examining the water supply line for leaks or damage. Properly secure the connections and ensure they are free from leaks, too.

Bathroom Plumbing Essentials

Bathroom plumbing helps ensure everyday convenience and comfort, encompassing various components that require regular inspection:

  • Sink Faucets: Inspect for leaks or drips around the faucet base and handles. Ensure smooth operation and proper flow.
  • Sink Drains: Check for clogs or slow drainage. Clear any debris or buildup to ensure proper flow.
  • Water Valves: Inspect shut-off valves for leaks or corrosion. Ensure they operate correctly when turned off.
  • Toilet Plumbing: Check for leaks around the base and tank. Ensure proper flushing and no running afterward! The average running toilet wastes 200 gallons of water daily!
  • Shower/Tub Plumbing: Inspect for leaks around the faucet and showerhead, and test water pressure. Check for a proper water temperature.

Septic and Sewer Maintenance

Septic and sewer inspections are a bit more complex, but they come down to a few components:

  • Sewer Main Line: This inspection focuses on checking the main sewer line for any blockages or obstructions that could impede the flow of waste. Common issues include tree root intrusions, pipe collapses, or buildup of debris. Detecting these plumbing problems early can prevent extremely nasty problems.
  • Septic Tank and Leach Field: Inspecting the septic tank requires checking for signs of sewage backup or overflow. This includes looking for foul odors around the tank area, as well as soggy or waterlogged ground above the leach field. Identifying these issues promptly can prevent environmental contamination and damage to your property.
  • Sewer Pipes and Vents: Examination of sewer pipes and vents means looking for leaks, cracks, or damage that could lead to sewage leaks or odors inside your home. Ensuring proper ventilation of sewer gases is necessary for maintaining indoor air quality and preventing health hazards.

Other Important Things About Plumbing to Look Out For and Do

There are parts of the plumbing checklist every homeowner needs that don’t fall neatly into a single category, and they are:

  • Water Heater: Start with a hot water tank inspection, and examine the heater for any leaks, especially around the tank and connections. Look for signs of rust or corrosion, which could indicate potential issues. Additionally, ensure the temperature and pressure relief valves work correctly to prevent pressure buildup.
  • House Water Main: Inspect the line for leaks, cracks, or damage. It’s essential to check the water pressure to ensure it’s within the optimal range and consistent throughout your home. Inconsistent pressure could indicate a problem with the main line or plumbing system.
  • Hose Spigots: Check outdoor hose spigots for leaks, especially after the winter, to ensure freezing temperatures haven’t damaged them. Make sure the plumbing fixtures are properly connected and functioning to avoid wasting water and potential damage to your home’s exterior.
  • Sprinkler System: Check sprinkler heads for damage or clogs that could affect their performance. Then, check for leaks in the irrigation lines and ensure proper coverage of your lawn or garden. Finally, adjust sprinkler heads as needed to ensure even watering.
  • Sump Pump: Regularly test the sump pump to ensure it’s in good working condition, especially before the rainy season. Check the pit for debris that could obstruct the pump’s operation, too. Then, test the float switch and backup power source to ensure the pump will activate when needed.
  • Washing Machine Connections: Look over the hoses connecting your washing machine to the water supply for leaks or signs of wear. Next, ensure the hoses are securely attached to prevent damage and flooding. Consider replacing rubber hoses with stainless steel ones for added durability and peace of mind, too.
  • House Water Damage: Keep an eye out for signs of water damage, such as stains, mold, or musty odors, on walls, ceilings, or floors. Address any leaks or issues promptly to prevent further damage and mold growth. Regularly inspect areas prone to damage, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, to catch issues early.
plumbing kitchen

Important Plumbing Questions to Ask When First Purchasing Your Home

When purchasing a home, you need to at least know what the most frequently asked questions about plumbing you need to make use of yourself:

How old is the plumbing? 

Knowing the age of the home’s system helps gauge potential maintenance needs and the overall condition of the pipes and fixtures. Older systems may require more frequent repairs or upgrades.

May I check the water meter?

Examining the meter allows you to monitor usage and detect any irregularities that could indicate leaks. High usage could signal underlying issues that need attention.

Are there eco-friendly, water-saving appliances and faucets installed?

Inquiring about energy-efficient fixtures demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and can help lower bills over time. Look for features like low-flow toilets and aerated faucets.

Do the toilets happen to have low-flow options?

Low-flow toilets are designed to use less water per flush, reducing consumption without sacrificing performance. Confirming their presence can contribute to conservation efforts.

Is there any mold or water damage? Do the pipes freeze in the winter, and do they happen to be winterized? 

Mold or damage could indicate existing plumbing issues or inadequate insulation. For example, this bumps up the risk of frozen water pipes and forces you to use more extensive winterization measures, especially in colder climates.

Are there any backflow or cross-connection issues? 

Backflow or cross-connection issues pose a risk to water quality and safety. You have to make sure there are no such issues that safeguard the integrity of the water supply and prevent contamination.

Has the main water line been inspected?

A thorough inspection of the main line helps identify any leaks, damage, or potential issues with water flow. 

designed kitchen

Working on the Other Aspects of Your Move

While tackling the plumbing checklist every homeowner needs is a priority, you can’t mishandle the other aspects of your move, either.

  1. Beyond fixing leaks and ensuring the flow of water, remember to organize your belongings systematically. Packing efficiently and labeling boxes clearly can streamline unpacking later. 
  2. Don’t overlook notifying relevant parties of your change of address well in advance. Taking care of utilities and subscriptions will prevent disruptions after you relocate.
  3. You need to find the right moving company to handle all of your relocation needs. So, put in the effort to learn about and hire movers in North York you know you can trust. With their support, you can better organize your move and plan out your relocation schedule so it doesn’t overlap or clash with any of the home renovations or repairs you need to do. If you work with the right company, you can even have them temporarily hold your belongings in storage until they’re ready to be moved into the rooms you are currently working to update or repair plumbing in.

Why You Should Look For a Professional Plumber

You should definitely consider working with a professional local plumber like Dr. Pipe since we offer a wealth of expertise and services to ensure the smooth functioning of residential and commercial plumbing systems. With our deep understanding of plumbing systems, we excel at identifying and resolving issues efficiently, saving homeowners time and frustration. Whether it’s a minor water leak or a major plumbing emergency, Dr. Pipe possesses the skills and tools necessary to handle any task safely and effectively. 

Similarly, our professional Toronto plumbing inspections can catch potential problems early, preventing costly repairs and replacements down the line and providing homeowners with peace of mind. By entrusting their plumbing needs to local professionals, homeowners can rest assured that their homes will remain safe, comfortable, and free from plumbing-related headaches!

Need a plumbing inspection in Toronto or GTA? Dr. Pipe is here to help! We are a trusted plumbing company with lots of 5-stars customer reviews, licensed plumbers, and years of experience!

Enjoy Peace and Comfort in Your Home

Being familiar with a plumbing checklist every homeowner needs will help maintain a functional and efficient plumbing system in your home. By staying proactive and addressing issues promptly, homeowners can achieve a ton of amazing benefits. Moreover, with a comprehensive understanding of their plumbing system and access to professional help when required, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind and comfort in their living spaces!

Give us a call today: 416 663 4777 for a free upfront estimate!
